Wednesday, August 22, 2018

No Day Is So Bad You Can’t Make it Worse By Adding Sugar

One thing you have to remember if you’re trying to give up sugar:

No day is so bad that you can’t make it worse by adding sugar to it.

No day is so crappy it can’t be made crappier by adding sugar to it.

We think that adding some sugar (or flour or nuts or popcorn or whatever our own personal food devil it is), will bring soothing and happiness to our lives.

But it’s actually just the opposite. When you add crap to a crappy day, you make it crappier. You give yourself more fat, a headache, guilt, regret — a string of unpleasant, bad, unwanted feelings.

Remember that next time you’re having a bad day and think eating will make you feel better. Adding sugar to anything doesn’t make it better. It makes it worse.

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