Saturday, February 17, 2018

7 Things You Should Never Say to a Bright Line Eater

I came across an article similar to this by a woman who doesn't drink, giving things you should never say to an alcoholic. So here's my version, revised for a non-sugar/non-flour eater:

1.    “Come on, live a little!” I am. I do. I love life and enjoy it all the time. Sugar isn’t the only way to enjoy life.
2.    “How about just a little piece?” Would you ask an alcoholic to have just a “little” whiskey? Or how about a heroin addict to just shoot up a “little”?
3.    “I tried that once and failed. We’ll see how long this lasts for you.” Sugar is a food, not a measure of moral superiority. I’m not thinking I’m better than you. I just don't want to eat.
4.    “Don’t you feel like you’re missing out?” If I felt like I was missing out, I’d have some. Plus, you tell me stories about how tired you are and how you can’t fit into your clothes and your doctor thinks you’re prediabetic. That doesn’t sound like much fun, so I’ll pass.
5.    “I don’t eat this much usually! Really!” You don’t have justify your eating to me just because I’m not.
6.    “But really, why don’t you have some? She made it special. Just to be kind.” You can keep asking but the answer will always be no. I’m just going to get annoyed if you keep asking. Kindness doesn’t necessitate breaking my bright lines.
7.    “But it’s a special occasion!” Just because I’m not eating doesn’t mean I'm not enjoying the occasion and feeling like it's special. I'm having a great time.
Disclaimer: This blog and I are not officially affiliated with Bright Line Eating or Susan Peirce Thompson. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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