Sunday, February 18, 2018

Giving Myself Treats for Bright Lines

So I just finished Day 12 of my 90-Day challenge. Yesterday's discovery: It really helps me if I give myself small little daily treats for every day that I keep my bright lines. Inexpensive little rewards.

It helps me because (1) when I'm tempted to break a bright line, I remember how good it is to get the reward and that I want the reward, and (2) it is slowly teaching me to anticipate, savor, and enjoy rewards that are not food. A friend of mine told me she has trouble imagining any kind of reward that is not food-related. If she wants to treat herself, the only thing that does the trick is food.

For me, this is as much a retrain-my-brain issue as giving up Diet Coke was. I couldn't imagine any kind of drink as satisfying as Diet Coke ... until I gave it up and retrained myself to like seltzer water much better.

So here is a list of some of the things I reward myself with when I keep my bright lines:

A new scented votive candle
A few fluffy white carnations (love the scent)
Travel-scented scented body lotion
A new kind of flavored coffee
A new bath bomb/bath fizzie
Super-soft new socks
A new essential oil
New lipstick
Trashy magazine
Really good fruit, like pineapple or in-season blueberries
Great dark coffee from a good coffee shop

Really anything that is out of the ordinary will work. It can even be something I'd be getting myself anyway. I just have to say to myself, "this is my treat. This is my reward for keeping my bright lines."

I don't know how long I have to do this daily, but for now I am. Maybe soon I can switch to every two days. And I'm planning bigger treats for the big milestones like 25 days, 50 days and so on.

Disclaimer: This blog and I are not officially affiliated with Bright Line Eating or Susan Peirce Thompson. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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