Friday, February 9, 2018

Day 4 Update

I'm starting Day 4 and so far so good! No sugar at all. A tiny bit of flour (arrgh, stress eating). And no snacks despite being very hungry and very stressed. I chalk it all up to a big win.

Since it's early in this reboot experience for me (I've been doing Bright Line Eating since October 2016 but haven't been at all consistent in my bright lines since December 2016), I'm taking a few minutes to review why I'm doing this.

Q: What don't you like about yourself and your food behavior right now?

A: I don't have automaticity yet despite all this time. I consistently break my bright lines, especially the no-flour and no-snack lines. It is thrilling that I've pretty much been able to kick sugar, at least to the point that it's fairly automatic for me not to pick it up, knowing that one bite will lead to hundreds of bites. But I'm still not able to consistently say no to flour or to snacks between meals

Q: What is troubling you?

A: 1) I'm worried that I've developed an addiction to food. I still reach for food to numb myself rather than to nourish myself. I still instinctively crave food when I'm stressed out, tired, angry, upset.  I want to be free from the food chatter. More than being thin, I want to be happy and free. I started bright line eating as a way to cope with my food issues but got sucked into the weight loss game. I need to refocus, using bright lines as a way to free myself from my food addiction. I need to measure my success by how clean my bright lines are, rather than how much weight I've lost.
2) I'm worried about my health, especially my long-term health.
3) I want more energy.
4) I want to be the best version of me possible, and that means dealing with emotions in an adult, mature way, rather than an unhealthy, addictive way. I want healthier ways to deal with emotional issues.

Q: Why do a 90-day challenge?

A: They say it takes about 90 days to establish a habit (though everyone is different). I'm hoping that 90 days will get me momentum and put me in the path of automaticity.

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