Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Best Motivator There Is

Last week, after a presentation of Eleanor Roosevelt, I was talking with audience members when a very kind man, a member of the program organizing committee, came up with a big slice of cake and whipped cream for me.

He was so happy to be helpful to me and I was appreciative of the kind thought. But .... arrrgh. I had to say no. I gave my usual effusive praise — that looks beautiful and it’s so thoughtful of you! But I don’t eat sugar.

It always bothers me when people are being so kind and want so much to make me happy, when I have to turn them down (I do because my life depends on it, but arrrgh, it still hurts).

To turn it around in my mind, I have started telling myself that the best thing I can do, if I really want to make my own little mark on the obesity epidemic, is to be a good role model.

The more people see people turning down sugary foods, saying no to dessert, eating vegetables, the more likely these things are to become normalized. We NEED more people saying no to angel food cake.

That’s the only way we can get to a place where people really don’t assume everyone needs or wants to eat cake.

Being a good model in how I eat is the best motivation to keep eating well.

[Disclaimer: This blog is not affiliated with or endorsed by Bright Line Eating Solutions or Susan Peirce Thompson. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.]

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