Monday, March 12, 2018

Don't Mess With BLE Momentum

By far the most painful lesson I've had to learn in BLE is that I can't mess with sober momentum (I use the word "sober" to mean "day when I have squeaky-clean bright lines" because it's a faster, more elegant way to saying it. For me, having bright lines is my sobriety).

Why, why, why is my brain so hard-wired to believe I can just step on/step off the sober bus. Even when all the BLE guidelines and bootcamp videos and counselors say, "it is much harder to resume than to just keep going." My brain just doesn't want to believe it.

My brain keeps saying, "But you did it before, you just resumed, so you can do it again." Or, "BLE was easy for weeks and weeks, it'll be easy to just start again."

No. Nope. Not at all.

Resuming is much more difficult than beginning. Resuming is much, much, much more difficult than just continuing. And a new day one sucks to get through.

So whatever tools you are using that are making BLE work for you, keep doing them. Don't stop. Keep the momentum going.

Don't mess with momentum.

Disclaimer: This blog and I are not officially affiliated with Bright Line Eating or Susan Peirce Thompson. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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