Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Do I Have to Be a Food Addict to Do BLE?

In talking with other folks doing Bright Line Eating, I've had a few question whether they are food addicts are not.

Personally, I find it helpful to think of myself as a food addict. It makes my issues feel serious enough that I'm willing to take BLE seriously. 

It makes me handle questions about food, sugar, flour, alcohol, and snacks, very very carefully, like I might handle a gun. It's that serious and that important to me.

But I get it. I get why people resist the word "addict." It carries an unfortunate stigma.

And I agree with Susan when she says that you don't have to be a food addict for BLE to work for you.

My mother essentially eats this way all her own, without following BLE or any other plan, simply because it's the food she prefers and the way she likes to eat.

So, no, I don't think anyone has to be (or even think of themselves) as a food addict to do BLE.

The only thing I might quietly suggest is this. If you find it hard to give up sugar and flour, that might be a sign.

 If the way you eat is getting in the way of how you want to live your life, that might be a sign too.

Disclaimer: This site is not officially affiliated with Bright Line Eating or Susan Peirce Thompson. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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