Monday, April 23, 2018

You Have to Do the Work — and It’s Hard

Sometimes, this work gets hard.

Doing everything on my nightly checklist is a drag.

 Ugh, all that reading inspiring things and taking time to meditate.
Having to come up with gratitudes!

Remembering to listen to a podcast (something new I’ve added to my nightly checklist).

Even worse, even harder, is having to stick to my bright lines. Having to not open the pantry door when it’s 8:30 and the urge is strong. Eating hamburgers without buns. Saying no to rolls at dinner. Turning things down over and over when at a party or a dinner out.

Last week, I unexpectedly had to drive home later than I’d expected. The drive began at 10:30 p.m. and took 2 hours. I’d eaten dinner at 5 and the hunger was extreme. Not to mention the stress of knowing I’d be tired tomorrow — and I was annoyed that I’d been delayed so long.

But those are the moments. That’s when the rubber hits the road. For BLE to work, you have to do the work. You just have to.

It’s not always easy. Heck, often it’s downright hard. You still have to do it. Just follow the f-ing plan. Don’t make a U-turn and go back to the beginning.

You have to do the work, and it’s hard.

Disclaimer: This site is not officially affiliated with Bright Line Eating or Susan Peirce Thompson. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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