Saturday, April 21, 2018

Nobody Wants to Quit

When caught in the cycle of relapse-resume-relapse-resume, one thought keeps popping up in my mind:

I’ll get back on board with Bright Line Eating when I really want to quit sugar and flour.

But here’s the thing. Nobody with food issues wants to quit sugar and flour. At least, nobody I’ve ever met. I have yet to meet a single person who adores those things who wakes up one morning and says, “you know, I just don't want to eat those things any more.”

What we want to get rid of are the consequences of eating sugar and flour and snacks. We want to get rid of the things sugar and flour do to us. The clothes that don’t fit. The bloated feeling. The avoidance of photos and swimsuits. Feeling sluggish and lethargic and not fitting into airplane seats and hating our bodies.

But the actual act of giving up sugar and flour? No one WANTS to do that.

So you can’t wait for motivation to strike you. It won’t.

There are plenty of ways a person with food issues can get support and motivation and enthusiasm to do BLE, and plenty of reasons why you should eat this way. But waiting for the desire to give up sugar and flour to magically hit you isn’t one of them.

When your brain tells you that you’ll do BLE when you really want to give up sugar and flour, just remind it that nobody wants to do that. It ain’t gonna happen. Do it anyway.

[Disclaimer: I am not affiliated in an official way with Bright Line Eating or Susan Peirce Thompson. The opinions in this blog are entirely my own.]

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