Friday, April 20, 2018

BLE is like a car trip. You can't keep going back home.

Anyone who has ever gone on a long car trip knows, it's a progressive thing. You can't load up the car, head out on the highway, drive for a few hours, turn around and go home -- and then pick up your journey again the next day right where you were the day before.

It doesn't work that way. You can't turn around and go home. Not if you want to get where you are going.

BLE is like that. It can be tempting to "go back home" sometimes. Maybe it's a special occasion. You're on vacation. Someone made a delicious treat that you really want. You've had a hard day. You'll just go home for a little while and then resume your journey.

On a car trip, when you don't keep going home over and over, you're forced to travel on a new road to get where you want to go.

In the same way, in BLE, when you don't keep making U-turns, you have to (get to!) travel on a new road.

Every time you don't stop your journey -- when you say it doesn't make any difference that I'm on vacation or that it's a special occasion, I'm still not eating sugar and flour -- you are forced to learn new habits. You learn how to celebrate without food. You learn how to calm and relax yourself without food. You learn how to say no without feeling guilty.

Don't make U-turns. Don't keep going back home, no matter how comfortable it sounds. Constantly going back home won't get you where you want to go.

Disclaimer: This site is not officially affiliated with Bright Line Eating or Susan Peirce Thompson. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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