Thursday, September 13, 2018

Day 12: Honest Confession (Warning: Might be Triggering Due to Food Mentions)

Day 12 Completed. Very, very wobbly.

I had a horrific day yesterday, food-wise. Consumed with hunger and not wanting to do this. Not wanting to give up the things I love about sugar and flour.

After lunch, I had to stop by the grocery store for corn on the cob for dinner. My local Whole Foods did not have any. No corn on the cob! In Illinois! In summer! Harumph. So I drove over the nearby farmstand and picked up some lovely fresh-picked-this-morning corn and it was delish.

But. But before I did that, I wandered the aisle of Whole Foods and for reasons that flabbergast me, bought some cookies and a big 7-layer bar. Ate the cookies before I even got home. At the bar after dinner in the car on my way to my evening performance. In the interest of full disclosure, I hid them from my husband. Always a sure sign that I'm acting from an addictive place.

So sad for myself. But sooooo determined to figure out what it is that is making me behave this way.

If it is hunger, genuine real hunger, then I need more food.

So I'm going to experiment with increasing my food a little big. My food plan for the next seven days will be:

BREAKFAST: Regular BLE weight-loss plan

LUNCH: 1.5 protein, 1.5 veggies (so, in most cases, 6 oz. meat and 9 oz. veggies)

DINNER: 1.5 protein (so, in most cases, 6 oz. meat)

If Susan Peirce Thompson is right that my public speaking work means I require more food, then an increase like this should result in continued weight loss. I will monitor and see.

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