Tuesday, September 11, 2018

SeptemBLE Day 10 (Not Day 9)

Ok, true confessions. I bobbled a bit on Sunday.

And I didn't even hesitate. I knew I was feeling weak. Knew there were potato chips in the pantry. Deliberately went to the pantry, got them out and ate them. A lot of them.

There's no real question why. My husband and I adopted two pugs this weekend. Due to his prior commitments, my husband couldn't make the 4.5-hour drive with me to get them. The rescue group was lovely, but very uncommunicative so I had little idea what was going on and had to just go with the flow. The pugs are lovely little guys, but they were quite understandably stressed out and anxious. They woke up every 2-3 hours their first night.

So on Sunday I was tired, stressed out, and weak. Food helped, unfortunately.

But here's the really critical thing. I am not going to go back and start counting again on Day One.

I don't "reset" anymore every time I have a wobble. Because if I did, it would imply I'm back to Day One of doing Bright Line Eating (BLE). And I'm not.

Every single day of this journey I've learned something. For this particular break, I learned to pay close attention to my sleep patterns, which are major signals of an upcoming relapse.

What could I have done differently?

1) Insisted we work it out so that both hubby and I could travel to get the pups

2) Insisted, obnoxiously if necessary, on being informed of the plans so I wouldn't get anxiety over the not knowing

3) Trusted the history of the dogs' crate-training to know they'd be happier sleeping in their crate

4) Mentally prepared myself for the reality that moving to a new home is stressful for dogs. Logically, I knew this but I didn't really acknowledge it and brace myself for it.

These things are important boundary-setters. And boundaries are soooo important to my food journey.

So yesterday, September 10 was my TENTH day of the current resume. I'm not resetting to zero because I'm not at zero. Every day is a step in the right direction.

And as a follow-up, yesterday was a squeaky-clean awesomely bright BLE day.

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