Sunday, September 2, 2018

You don’t mess with momentum

Day two of Super SeptemBLE:

I now have 24 hours of squeaky clean Bright Line Eating under my belt. 24 hours.

That is, as anyone doing this know, a big deal.

And it’s also a really tricky spot to be in. Because now that little voice in my head is saying, “It’s a holiday weekend, have a little something to celebrate. Holidays are special occasions.” Or, “you’re not as bad as some people when it comes to food.” Or, “You just started this resume yesterday. Just move the resume up and start all over again tomorrow.”

That voice is always really loud the first few days of a resume, because it wants you to put off your resume for another day. But, really, what happens if you follow that voice? Let’s imagine that you do. You follow the voice, you break your bright lines. You have a little slice of cake, or some of that garlic bread, or some pasta, or whatever it is that you’ve set up a bright line around.

I can guarantee that two things will happen:
(1) A new resume will be just as hard. Because resuming is always hard. Day one is always the hardest, and
(2) that voice will still be there the next day you resume. Its excuses will still be there. It will be just as resistant. It’s like an immature toddler. Once you’ve given in once, it’s not going to quiet down and be happy forevermore. No, it’s just learned that if it’s obnoxious you will give in.

The only way through it, the only way to get the voice to stop, is to not give in. No more. Nevermore. Once you have a little momentum, no matter how small or new it is, you have to keep it going.

I’ve given myself a sober treat for completing day one (an inexpensive new coffee mug I’d been eyeing that makes me happy). I’ve planned my food for today. I am committed to keep the momentum going for another 24 hours.

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