Wednesday, September 5, 2018

My day 4: There will always be good days

Success! Got through Day Four of my current resume with bright lines intact.

But it feels like a cheat. I mean, nothing stressful happened. The opposite in fact — we got great news that we were indeed chosen to adopt two little black pugs into our family, which has been sadly dogless since our beloved Katie passed away in March.

Given that day 3 was stressful and I had huge cravings, I was paying close attention to what happened on this day.

And, not surprisingly, the answer was: nothing. No huge cravings, no hunger, no chattering brain reminding me it wanted to eat.

I spent most of the night sitting there in awe that I wasn’t overwhelmed with food thoughts.

If I’d ever thought that my brain controlled a lot of my food obsessions, that right there told me a lot.

I ate my dinner of homemade spaghetti sauce on top of zucchini noodles and got a good night’s sleep.

If only every day were this easy!

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