Saturday, September 1, 2018

A wobbly return and plans for a Super SeptemBLE

Oh man, do I ever need to remind myself how hard it is to resume! Really, really hard. Like, super hard.

Once the door to overeating is open, it feels like wolfie just leaps in and it's so so hard to stop.

So I'm going to do an experiment for September 2018.

I'm calling it my "Super Septemb-BLE" (the BLE meaning I'm aiming for a September of squeaky clean Bright Line Eating -- and if you don't know BLE, go Google it right now because it's amazing).

Here is the plan and my commitment to all of you that I will follow it:

Existing tools that I will continue to use:
-- Daily post either here on this blog or on social media
-- Daily reading of something spiritual or uplifting
-- Daily meditation of at least 10 minutes
-- 3 daily gratitudes in gratitude journal
-- Daily listening to an audio related to my recovery
-- Daily self-care practice (see list below)
-- Daily nightly checklist completion

New tools that I am adding in:

-- Find a BLE buddy or penpal

-- Sober Treats to mark significant accomplishment days because this thing is hard and I need to congratulation myself (big and bold items are bigger items for significant "milestone marker" days).

1 – Polish Pottery mug from eBay

2 – Hamsa hand keychain from Natural Life catalog

3 – Artful Home catalog item

4 – Bath Body Works scented hand soap

5 – white fluffy flowers

6 – take-out chicken schwarma

7 – Modcloth earrings

10 – Artful Home item

14 -- Massage

15 – Farmers Market run

20 – Thai food takeout

21 – Outfit from Title Nine

25 – Self-care day at spa

30 – Canvas beach wall art

[50 – Schedule 50th birthday vacation]

 My aim is for the month of September, but if I go the entire 30 days with bright lines, I am going to extend it to 50 days.


n  Take a bath

n  Go for a walk outside

n  Jam to a confidence song

n  Get a massage

n  Do a yoga video
n Get a pedicure

n  Get your eyebrows/lips done

n  Clean something out

n  Plan a vacation

n  Plan a knitting project

n  Watch a new Netflix show

n  Read a great book that’s not work-related

n  Attend a Soderworld (spa/meditation center) event

Overall: the goal for September is to aim for low-stress. Underwhelm. Say no to anything inessential and just focus on my sticking to my bright lines, eating well, and taking superior care of myself. 

Here we go … it's 10 a.m. on Sept. 1, 2018 as I write this, so the first four hours of my Super Septem-BLE are already done and under the belt. I have four hours of BLE momentum going. Let's make it 20 more and my first day of the month done!!

Inspirational image to guide this month:

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