Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 2 of My Resume: My Toolbox

Day 1 is in the bag. As always, it was really tough:

-- A bit headachy
-- Thoughts of snacking popped into my brain at about 2:30 and continued until bedtime
-- Hunger began in the afternoon around 3 and remained steadily growing until dinner
-- Felt definitely hungry at bedtime. I hate going to bed feeling hungry. Tend to confuse that hungry with just wanting to eat
-- But feeling inspired that I'm resuming and getting off the crappy eating wagon. Again.
-- My pajamas were really tight (size L) meaning one good goal for myself is to feel comfortable in these PJs again.

What would I say if someone asked me how many times I've resumed? Oh, more times than I can count. At least 9 or 10. Probably more.

In the spirit of "ya gotta practice what ya preach," today's post is a list of the tools I'm going to use for this resume.

When I first began doing Bright Line Eating in October 2016, my toolbox included:
-- Writing down my food the night before
-- Meditating
-- Daily inspiration reading
-- Writing three gratitudes daily
-- Getting 7-8 hours sleep
-- Writing in a 5-year journal daily
-- Reading and commenting in my BLE bootcamp house
-- Checking off each tool on nightly checklist

Adjusting for what didn't work, what does -- and what new tools I'm adding,
my current toolbox is:
-- Meditating
-- Posting a blog post or a comment in a FB BLE house daily
-- Daily inspirational reading
-- Writing down my food the night before and commiting to it via post on FB
-- Listening to a BLE audio or video OR a sober podcast daily
-- Daily BLE phone call (testing this one)
-- Daily self-care activity (bath, walk in nature, abstinent treat, cuddle with dog, sing along to music, etc.)
-- Daily cup of herbal tea (trying to wean myself off caffeine)
-- Writing three gratitudes daily
-- Getting 7-8 hours sleep
-- Checking off each tool on nightly checklist

You can see I've removed the 5-year journal (didn't work for me) and reading/commenting in my BLE bootcamp house (needed to up that to a daily comment or blogpost).

The phone call is a test. Since some have said this is a great way to up your success in BLE, I thought I'd give it a try. Very stressful to consider doing it.

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