Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Difference Between 99% Committed and 100% Committed

Think of something you would never, ever do, under any circumstances. Commit murder? Do crack cocaine? Break into a house and steal something?

I can't imagine a situation in which I would even be tempted to do one of those things. Put me in a party where people are doing crack. If they offer me some, I'm not going to do it.

I am 100% committed to not doing crack. There's no discussion.

I wouldn't spend time at that party there pondering, "should I or shouldn't I?" The thoughts wouldn't be driving me obsessively crazy. Crack cocaine is something I don't do. I also don't murder people or break into houses and steal things or, I don't know, eat laundry detergent pods. It's not a question of "will I or won't I?" There's no willpower involved. The debate never even begins.

That is what a commitment to not snacking and not eating sugar or flour must be. Right now, I'd say that on a typical day I'm 99% committed to not eating sugar.

But there's an enormous difference between 99% and 100%. At 99% I'm the addict who drives themselves crazy thinking over and over "will I or won't I?" A package of cookies in the pantry will become an obsession.

But at 100%, there's peace. There's no thinking involved. It's just calm.

For today, I'm making a 100% commitment to not eating sugar. Not 99% but 100%.

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