Thursday, January 10, 2019

Day 4 of My Resume: Where the Rubber Hits the Road


I mean, come ON, I made it through three days of my this current resume and it hasn't been easy:
-- It's been a big work week already. I debuted two new programs. Lots of memorizing. Lots of work.
-- The period of late afternoon has been hard every day. Hunger sets in and gets bad.
-- The period from about 6:30 to about 8:30 has been hard. That's my witching hour. Lots and lots of cravings to nosh. I've been working hard on self-care in those hours -- warm baths, hot tea, walks with my dogs, connecting with other BLE folks.

And, hooray, I made it through these first three days with my food plan intact. No sugar, no flour, no snacks. I woke up today with no headache and with a good amount of energy.

So why aren't I dancing around the house with joy? I mean, this is cause for celebration.

Sigh. Maybe it's because I know this is when the s--t gets real. It's in the time frame between day four and day 14 or so that I've been most likely to fail in the past. The gee-whiz excitement of resuming starts to fade. Cravings settle in. It feels like "I'm so close to the beginning. I can just give in and then resume again."

Maybe it's just my brain reminding me that this isn't an easy journey. Don't get complacent. Don't stop using every tool. Stay focused and on-target. Make the food your top priority. Keep the course. Eyes on the target. You got this.

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