Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sigh. Here I Went Again ...

Just realized it has been week since I posted. Weeks. And it's the same old story:

-- Life got busy. My December 2018 was packed with presentations. Two on every single weekday and sometimes three. At least one on every weekend day. Sometimes two.

-- Then life got stressful. My sleep habits started to slip. I didn't have time to post regularly. I was trying to memorize a new program so I wasn't listening a podcast daily.

-- Then life got really stressful. Family members came in from out of town which is as stressful for us as it is for them. We try to make sure they spend time with everyone in each of their family's and with their friends. Things fall through the cracks. Things happen at the last minute. People's feelings get hurt.

And, well, my eating program completely fell apart. As it always does. First a cookie. Then dessert regularly. Then tons of bread. Then just eating whatever I want when I want.

One difference this time is that I let it run its course. When the beast takes over, I think that I have to step back and let it do its thing for a little way. Doing otherwise feels like trying to stop myself when I'm sliding down an icy hill and it's tearing up my clothes and shoes and fingernails trying to stop myself. I sometimes need to just relax and let it runs its course.

Another difference: I'm being honest here about it. My inclination is to hide it. Not mention it here. Make sure anyone reading this thinks I'm perfect (as if that matters to anyone reading this).

Tomorrow will be my first day of a resume. I don't know if it will be my last resume, but I do know that I'll never recover if I don't keep resuming and resuming and resuming.

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