Tuesday, November 27, 2018

20 Things I Can Do to Shift My Mood

Yesterday, I got really stressed out. A huge traffic jam delayed me. I forgot to go shopping for dinner ingredients. A family crisis happened.

When I was overeating regularly, at moments like this, I tended to think that the ONLY thing that would effectively calm me down and shift my mood from negative to positive was eating.

So today I'm challenging myself to come up with 20 non-food-related things that I know will shift my mood.

— Take a walk at a forest preserve and breathe in the smells of nature

— Play loud music and sing along at the top of your voice

— Take a bath with candles lit and soft music playing

— Go through knitting magazines and pick out a new project

— Go through catalogs and shop for upcoming birthday or holiday presents

— Give yourself a pedicure or manicure

— Get a massage

— Go to the library and pick out a trashy fun novel

— Buy yourself a pretty new lipstick

— Take the dogs on a long walk or to the park

— Clean out one drawer or cabinet in the house

— Make a list of your favorite movies and watch one of them

— Find a new yoga workout on DVD or online and do it

— Wash and vacuum out your car

— Dab lavender oil on palms and breathe deeply

— Pick up some flowers with a lovely scent

— Go to a bath-products store and try out new scents of body lotions

— Get physically comfy — put on super-soft pajamas and socks, wrap up in a big blanket — and curl up under the covers in a dark room

— Get on Pinterest and create a board of things that make you feel peaceful and happy

— Send quick emails to three friends remembering a happy memory you shared with them

And BAM! There it is. Proof that you don’t need food to calm and comfort yourself.

Next time something happens where I know I need to shift out of a negative mood, I’m going to challenge myself to do one — or two, or five — of the things on this list.

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