Monday, June 4, 2018

Do one small thing

When you are feeling shaky about your eating plan — stressed, tired, worn-out, fed-up, this-close-to-breaking — try this:

Do one small thing.

Do one small action that will bring you closer to your food goals. It doesn’t have to be a major thing, like prepping healthy meals for the rest of the week or calling a health-eating-plan buddy or walking outside for 30 minutes (although all of those are great ideas). Sometimes, when you’re on your last nerve and feeling desperate, even those actions feel too big.

So do a teeny-tiny thing. Make your bed. Put on a nice outfit. Write down your next healthy meal. Do a one day inspirational reading. Meditate for 1 minute.

One tiny step towards your goal.

If you can take one tiny step, you prove to yourself you can take another. And another.

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