Sunday, June 17, 2018

BLE Relapse Recovery Strategy: Course Correction High Intensity Protocol

When my bright lines were hopelessly broken and I was eating again at will -- whenever the urge struck me, and often endlessly throughout the day -- I started poking around in the Bright Lifers social media page for tools that might help.

In the files section, I stumbled upon an idea that turned out to be a lifesaver.

The original document was titled "Nili's Course Correction High Intensity Protocol." I haven't been able to track down Nili to thank her for this. It saved my program several times. It saved me.

The concept builds, I think, on the idea that if committing to a full day of Bright Line Eating feels too daunting, then just commit to doing an hour. An hour is a lot easier to get through. An hour feels manageable.

And you can track it. Simply to make a chart with the days of the week listed across the time, and every hour of the day down the side.

You fill in "Bright Line Meal" at your regular meal times. And for every other hour of the day you write "No food at all."

Here's what my version looks like, based closely on Nili's original:

Print out a copy and carry it with you all day. Every time you successfully complete an hour's assigned task, put a big X in that hour's column.

After a while, I found myself spurred to get to the end of a day with a full row of X's in that day's column. I even used a bold red felt-tip marker to make my X's. It felt soooo good to have a full column of bright red X's. Having a full week of bright red X's was magical!

If your bright lines have broken and seem beyond repair, using a CCHIP chart might help.

[If you want a copy to print, you can find Nili's on the Bright Lifers Facebook group's "files" section, or message me and I can send you mine in Microsoft Word.]

[Disclaimer: I am not officially affiliated with Bright Line Eating and the ideas expressed here are my own.]

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