Thursday, June 28, 2018

Four ways to de-stress other than eating

Sometimes, you really just gotta do something to work the stress out. But you can get yourself into a horrible food addiction mess by constantly making that “something” a little some-some to eat.

When you regularly self-soothe with food, that’s just adding stress to the stress. Eating thinking it will de-stress you is not self-care, it’s self-sabotage.

So here’s some things to do that will de-stress you with love and care, not destruction:

OLD HABIT: It’s been a really tough day at work, so I need a glass of wine to unwind.

NEW HABIT: Sit down for a healthful meal with your partner or a good friend. No TV, no books, no social media. There are lots of studies that show how social connection helps boost mental health.

OLD HABIT: I’m exhausted from a long day of hard work. I just want a bowl of ice cream for dinner

NEW HABIT: I’m tired, so what I really need is a nap to get some energy back. Sleep will restore me in a way food never can.

OLD HABIT: I’m tired of being on-the-go all day. I just want to sit and watch TV.

NEW HABIT: Take a bath or meditate for 20 minutes. When I’m overstimulated, I need to just sit and be still for a while. TV tends to be stimulating, not relaxing. I need to let my mind be still for a while if I really want to feel better.

OLD HABIT: I’m bored so I’ll go online to social media and get sucked into endless Pinterest searches or political debates on Twitter.

NEW HABIT: When I’m bored, I take a walk outside in nature. Being out in fresh air energizes me in a way social media just can’t.

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