Friday, June 8, 2018

"If you have a wooden leg, don't dance around the campfire"

Quick thought for the day:

In the grocery store yesterday, I was remembering how when I first gave up sugar and flour, I'd still buy bread and treats for my husband (didn’t want to deprive him). I picked up goodies at the bakery to bring to clients (didn’t want to deprive them). I even went to restaurants where my favorite desserts were sold (didn’t want to deprive my family).

Hanging out at goodie-filled restaurants and passing through the bakery section of my grocery store made me feel like I wasn't abnormal. I was still living in the real world. Sure, I didn't eat that way any more but I still had the fun of choosing yummy goodies.

Yeah. After relapsing a few times, I realized that I simply had no business in any restaurant or store or part of a store, where sugar and flour items that I really, really, really like are sold. It stressed me out and tempted me. It just set me up for a relapse.

Avoiding encounters with tempting food makes my life so much easier.

And helps me stay true to my belief that no one really needs to eat sugar and flour the way we do in our society.

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