Tuesday, May 15, 2018

20 simple ways to de-stress other than eating

Stress is just inevitable. And it is sooo tempting when it’s crept up and paralyzed you, to just reach for some food to calm down. Don’t go there. Eating just adds a problem to a problem.

Try one of these powerful de-stresses instead and make it your go-to.

Take a nap
Lie down in bed and shut your eyes. Just relax and shut out the world. You don’t actually have to fall sleep, although if you can fall asleep for 10-15 minutes, that's great.

Create something
Make some art, do some knitting, write a poem, work on a puzzle, do a few steps on that Pinterest project you’re working on. You get the satisfaction of creation, plus a few minutes to lose your self in the project.

Watch a funny video
Keep a watch list on You Tube or a stack of fun DVDs so you easily watch something fun when you need a break. I have a weakness for pugs and have a YouTube funny pug video watch list. When I’ve had a tough day, it is guaranteed to make me smile. Speaking of dogs ...

Cuddle with a dog
If you're a dog lover, sit for a few minutes brushing your dog or take your pup for a walk.

Tidy something up.
I keep a jar with slips of paper, each listing a quick tidying task that takes 10 minutes or less. Clean one pantry shelf, tidy one desk drawer, get rid of expired medicine in the bathroom cabinet. When you need to de-stress, pull one out and do it. Having a messy space tidied gives you a sense of accomplishment and a greater sense of calm.

Talk it out
When a heavy load of stress hits you, talking with a friend or family member can be what you need to work through it.

Plan a vacation
 If you haven’t had time off for a while, your mental health might need it. Take a few minutes and look around for fun things to do or great hotels for your next vacation.

Journal about it
Writing about whatever is stressing you out can help you work through it and ease the stress of it.

Stretch it out
Stretching is a proven de-stressor. Find a yoga routine on YouTube or YogaGlo or a DVD. Do a practice every day or whenever you feel tense.

Have a spa bath
There's a reason de-stress lists often include baths. They work. Make it a relaxing ritual by adding bath oil to the water, lowering the lights, and playing soft, relaxing music.

Crank up the tunes
Put on your headphones and play a few favorite  tunes while you dance around. Or lie down and let soothing music wash over you for ten minutes.

Do something for someone else
It can be as simple as finding 10 things in your house to give away to charity. Pay for someone else's coffee at the coffee shop. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or dog shelter. Doing good for others has a powerful uplifting effect

Cross things off your to-do list
Take 10 minutes and get something off your to-do list. You can do it, delegate it, or decide it’s not necessary to do it at all.

Connect with nature
Nature has been shown over and over to de-stress. Take a few minutes to walk outdoors, or sit outside with a cup of tea and just notice the earth around you.

Watch an episode of a favorite TV show
Get recommendations for really great TV shows that you can stream on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Watch an episode of a favorite one whenever you need to disconnect from the world

Read a great book
Losing yourself in a book can help you get out of your own mind. Find great books on GoodReads, ask a librarian or friends for recommendations, or just pull an old favorite off your shelf.

Get moving
Take a walk, go for a run, hit the gym. Breaking a sweat can help you work through your tension.

Indulge in self-care
Set up a space that is just for taking care of yourself. A cozy chair, some inspirational reading, meditation CDs, crystals, whatever works for you. Make it a ritual to spend 10-15 minutes there every day after you get home from work, or whenever stress hits.

Do something you’ve been putting off
Having an unpleasant task hanging over your head just adds to your stress. If you can do it in less than an hour, just do it. The relief you’ll feel from not having it hanging over your head? Totally worth it.

Make a gratitude list
Studies have shown over and over that grateful people are calmer and happier. Make a gratitude list. What went great today? Who in your life are you grateful for? List ten things you are grateful for. Make it 20.

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