Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Are you progressing or regressing?

I saw a quote the other day that really hit me:

"You either progress or regress. There is no 'gress.' "

Wow. Mind-blow moment. I've seen so many people who started strong with a no-sugar, no-flour food plan eventually give it up. And usually it's because they stop thinking they have to keep progressing.

I certainly did that. Hey, everything's going great! I don't have to keep on listening to new coaching calls (or reading new books about food science or trying new yoga classes or looking for people I can sponsor or learning about meditation techniques). Eating how I'm supposed to eat is a habit now.

So you rest on your laurels. You just do the basic things that worked for you in the beginning. You might even stop doing a few of them because, hey, everything's going fine! Right?

Nope. There's no end point on the journey. There's no "gress." There's only progress or regress.

The only way to keep yourself happy and free of food thoughts is to keep progressing. Sure, you might not need the same tools as you did in the first 30, 60, or 90 days. You don't necessarily need to do more. But you do have to keep working, learning, doing things, trying things, finding ways to learn and grow and help others.

Keep finding new ways to keep progressing. Or you will pick up the first bite of food.

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