Monday, May 28, 2018

You mean some people don’t think about food all the time?

Day five of operation resume completed. Treat to self: Sundress

I was at a minor league baseball game yesterday, an event that used to be all about food for me. Which yummy food should I get? Would anyone notice if I leave too often to get food? Would anyone notice if I ate too much?

This time, I packed my dinner, ate it before the 6 p.m. start time, and was done.

Which means not just that I stuck to my food plan (yay! Big win!) but also that  I had time to observe the others in my group. My husband especially. He loves ballpark food. But he doesn’t love it.

Which means, he doesn’t think about it before and during an event. There’s no worry or planning. He picks what he likes, eats it and is done eating. If he’s full before he finishes it, no matter how yummy it is, he’ll stop.

In many ways, it reminded me of how I am with most Bright-Line-Eating foods. I love bell peppers, but I don’t love bell peppers. I’ve never hidden bell pepper rinds in my car so my husband wouldn’t know how many I ate. If I was craving some but they weren’t on my food plan today, I wouldn’t obsess about them all day. If I didn’t have any in the house, I wouldn’t run to the grocery store at 11 p.m. to buy more. I love them but I don’t think about them all the time.

A BLE friend of mine said much the same thing. She too used to think about sugary/floury food all the time. She too was shocked to realize there are people who can have sugary treats in the house and not think about them all the time.

It was a powerful reminder. There are people who just don’t think about food all the time.

I want all my food to be bell peppers. I don’t want food in my life that makes me crazy nuts. If I’m obsessing about it, fixating on it, thinking about it all the time, it’s not for me.

Plus, to add to the win, I just proved to myself that I can make it through a tough event without eating. Baseball isn’t my thing. It was a hot day. It came at the end of a very full day. I was tired from not getting 5 hours sleep.

But I did it. And I know that the first time getting through a food-related event without food is a huge big massive win.

So I’m getting myself a bigger treat today. Because resuming BLE is really hard and I’m rocking it.

(Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Bright Line Eating Solutions or Susan Peirce Thompson)

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