Friday, May 25, 2018

Why day two is the hardest day of a BLE resume

Day two treat: car wash

Operation Resume: I finished my day 2 with squeaky clean bright lines. But wow, it was tough.

Day two, I’m realizing, is the hardest day of a resume for me. On day 1, I’m filled with enthusiasm and excitement. I’m doing this! I’m on! Let’s go!

But on day 2, the buzz has worn off a little bit. My brain has kicked in, realizing it didn’t get its “fix” yesterday. It starts telling me that I can just give in a little. It’s early in the journey. Just give in today and start the resume again tomorrow. Make tomorrow my day 1 — I won’t have lost any time.

I found myself yesterday at a banquet luncheon, waiting to begin my presentation. The lunch was served late and took forever. I wasn’t eating with everyone so that wasn’t a problem, but I was waiting for a long time. And I knew I had an evening program to get to next, in a town about 90 minutes away. My stress started to rise.

And — There was a table filled with delicious goodies. Right. There. By. Me. Super-easy to just swipe a few. No one would notice. I deserve it for having to wait so long. I’ll just start my resume all over tomorrow.

The struggle was real.

So here’s what I did:

1) I told myself that I never ever ever want to have another day 2 of BLE again. Day 2 sucks and I don’t ever want to do it again. Knowing I would have to document it here (admit it here) helped.

2) I moved away from the table, repeating the mantras, “that is poison to me” and “one bite means a hundred bites.” I focused on how I feel when I have binged out and reminded myself that lately I have been unable to do just a bite. It’s always a binge and it feels horrible horrible horrible.

3) I have committed to eat only meals I have prepared and brought with me for the next 23 days. I can do 23 days. It’s less than a month. These goodies will still exist after that. I can reassess after that.

4) I reminded myself that I have left extra time for travel. I set up 3 hours for my 90-minute drive. There was a big ole cushion. Even if the luncheon ran an hour late, I’m still OK.

And you know what? It was fine. I got through the struggle. I didn’t eat. Both of my presentations went well. I ate only the prepped and weighed food I’d packed and brought with me.

So on to day 3! I’ve got a two-day streak going now. Time to make it a 3-day streak.

[Disclaimer: I am not officially affiliated with Bright Line Eating Solutions or Susan Peirce Thompson. The opinions on this blog are my own.]

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