Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Getting over your food issues is like springtime

Where I live (just outside Chicago) daffodils are finally in bloom. The redbuds look spectacular. I see fresh spring leaves on every tree and shrub.

Spring arrived very suddenly. One week, I was still scraping ice off my windshield. The next, I'm wearing short sleeves and driving with the A/C on.

And isn't that just like a food journey? When you first give up sugar and flour and start eating for nourishment rather than for emotions, you might feel like you wait and wait but nothing seems to be really happening at first.

You follow your food plan. You lose a few pounds, maybe even 10-15, but no one notices and your clothes size doesn't change. You’re eating vegetables and fruits but mostly because you’re supposed to.

Then suddenly, one day, you notice that a massive change has happened.

Your pants are way too loose, your headaches are gone, and you wake up energetic. You're sleeping better than every. And vegetables and fruit are what you genuinely feel like eating.

It hasn't happened all at once, of course. Inside, your body has been adjusting and releasing and changing. But the progress has been happening so slowly you just didn't see it.

But that day, you suddenly realize just how enormous a change has happened. It's springtime. And it feels beautiful and fresh and new.

Yeah. Recovery is like that.

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