Thursday, May 24, 2018

Operation Resume: Day One

I finished the first day of my Bright Line Eating resume with squeaky-clean bright lines. Woo hoo!

Trust me, I know enough now to know what an achievement that is.

Treat for a clean day one: A cup of real Starbucks coffee. OK, yes, it's a vice, but it's also been very hard for me to give up everything at once. I do much better when I ease out of things, gradually removing vices rather than going cold turkey all at once on everything. I think that's why I had such a hard time with Bright Line Eating in the bootcamp: giving up sugar AND flour AND snacks AND unlimited quantities AND alcohol AND coffee. It was too much and I felt overwhelmed and very stressed. So I'm still saving the coffee detox to when I get my sugar/flour/snack life cleaned up.

The treats, though, those are non-negotiable. I get myself a treat every day for the first 14 days that my bright lines are clean. After that, maybe every 2 days or whenever I get through a tough situation like a birthday party or a dinner with strangers. I wrote about the importance of BLE treats for me and the kinds of things I use HERE.

And as I get my treat, I specifically say to myself, "This is my treat for keeping my bright lines yesterday, because this stuff is hard and I am rocking it."

No idea why this works, but it does. As long as I remember to say that to myself.

My sometimes-not-too-smart brain responds well when I reward it for doing something hard.

And it helps me to remember that keeping bright lines is hard work. And that there are endless ways to reward myself that have nothing to do with food. Win, win, and win.

[Disclaimer: This site is not affiliated with Bright Line Eating Solutions or Susan Peirce Thompson. The ideas and opinions here my own.]

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