Thursday, November 8, 2018

Little Lies We Tell Ourselves: Part Five

I've posted five blog entries about the lies we tell ourselves to justify continuing to eat sugar and flour.

Here's the last one. And it's a whopper.

Little Lie Number Five: 

Just a little bit won't hurt. Everything in moderation.

My Response:

This thought is the door that opens onto sickness, addiction, and despair. When I find myself using it, it is almost invariably because I'm trying to find an excuse to justify doing something unhealthy.

"Just a little bit won't hurt" leads to just one more little bite. One more more bite leads to eating an entire slice or bag or container.

Any time I give into my brain's request for sugar and flour, it feeds the addictive voice and keeps my cravings alive and loud.

Every bite leads to more, not less, craving. It is much easier to stop.

Get off the sugar and flour train. Eliminating, not moderating, sugar and flour, is the path to health, healing, and happiness.

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