Sunday, November 4, 2018

Little Lies We Tell Ourselves: Part Three

Today I want to talk the third lie we tell ourselves when we give up sugar and flour:

Little Lie Number Three:

It's too expensive.

My response:

It is a lot more expensive to recover from a sickness than it is to buy healthy food. Buying healthfully is about thoughtfully spending your hard-earned money to become -- and stay -- well.

Eating healthfully helps stave off infections and reduces your chances of developing obesity-related diseases. You don't have the expenses associated with walkers and wheelchairs from weak knees and hips, pacemakers, physical therapy after a knee or hip replacement. You won't have to buy insulin to manage your diabetes.

Your brain benefits too. A healthy brain functions better. You'll have more money because you'll be making better decisions.

It is a lot less expensive to eat well than to cope with diseases caused by chronic poor eating habits.

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