Sunday, November 18, 2018

Thoughts about a busy week coming up

The week of Thanksgiving is always extra stressful when you're an overeater.

Not only are you juggling how you'll handle all that food, you also have to deal with the stress that comes with any celebration: cleaning the house, organizing tablecloths/seating/menus, grocery shopping, dealing with crazy Aunt Helen. Inevitably, there will be some crisis like the central heating konking out.

One small thought I recommend you keep in mind: Anything you have to do will be harder if you're overeating.

Life is much easier when you're not flooding your body with excessive food, sugar, and flour. Everything. Scrubbing out the refrigerator. Organizing airport pick-ups. Driving to your mom's house. Dishwasher flooding. Cooking. Cleaning. Small talk.

It is all easier when your brain is clear. You'll sleep better. You won't feel guilty or headache-y. You'll have energy.

No matter how much your brain tells you that eating will help, it won't. Life goes better when you aren't over-eating.

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