Monday, November 19, 2018

The BLE Party Game

Got a party to go to this week? Try this game:

1) Arrive late.
2) Bring BLE-friendly food with you.
3) Bring a BLE-friendly (that is, non-sugar) drink with you.
4) Post a bookend on FB before you go, committing to stick to your food plan.
5) Phone a buddy before you go.
6) Locate at least one other person at the party who is not consuming sugar or alcohol. See, you're not alone.
7) Find one other person at the party you've never met before (or don't know well). Learn three new things about them.
8) Pop into the bathroom at some point and do a quick meditation or prayer.
9) Leave early.
10) Bookend on FB when you get home announcing your big success.

You get one point for each activity completed. Get ten points, you WIN!

The prize: Get home and dance around your living room, blasting happy music and celebrating that YOU DID IT!!!!

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