Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Because I'm not eating sugar and flour today ...

When you stop eating crap, it's a negative. You've removed something. But you've also added a lot. You've freed up your brainpower, your energy, your health.

Sometimes it helps me to step back and notice all the little things I'm doing today because I'm not messing up my brain with sugar and flour.

So here's today's challenge:

Finish this sentence:

Because I'm not eating sugar and flour today, I ...
  • got everything on my to-do list finished by 11 a.m.
  • returned all my work emails quickly and without a lot of stress
  • finished an essay that has been hanging over my head for a few weeks
  • packed up and mailed off to a consignment store clothes that no longer fit me (WIN!)
  • decluttered and tidied up a lot of papers around the house that have been piling up
  • took a long walk with my pugs and enjoyed the fresh fall air

Not actually me walking a pug. But in my mind, it totally is.
Every time you give up something, you add something to your life. In the case of sugar and flour, when you give them up, you add a LOT to your life.

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